According to Rotten Tomatoes, These are the 30 Best Computer Animated Films of All-Time

27. Antz

Rating: 92%

Just one month before A Bug’s Life hit theaters, DreamWorks had its own ant-centric film — Antz — debut on the big screen. DreamWorks’ film follows the story of an ant named Z (Woody Allen) — a worker in an ant colony who feels like he is just a small cog in a giant machine. One day, Z meets a beautiful ant named Princess Bala (Sharon Stone), who is unhappy with her arranged marriage to the colony’s leader, General Mandible (Gene Hackman).

Z and Bala form a bond and decide to run away together, leading to a series of adventures in which Z discovers his true identity and purpose. As Z and Bala try to evade capture by the colony’s soldiers, they come to realize that they share a common enemy in General Mandible, who is revealed to be a power-hungry and ruthless leader…will they make it out alive?

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