Unraveling Extraordinary Encounters: Real-Life UFO and Alien Stories

18. What Was That?

I was watching the stars, and I saw something that appeared to be an airplane. But, it was way higher than normal airplanes fly. Moments later, I see an actual airplane, lights blinking…and it’s at a lower altitude. I looked back at what I thought was a plane. There are no blinking lights and it’s a lot higher. I’m watching it going in a straight line — then all of a sudden it makes a 90° turn and goes from north to east. It seems to have been flying a lot faster than a normal plane.

Then it just stopped. It looked just like all the other stars around it, blending in as if it wasn’t there, as if I didn’t see anything. What was it? I’ve seen stars do weird things in the past, but I thought it was my imagination. I am now 19 years old and just saw this anomaly in the sky. And I tried to record it, but right as I pointed the camera to the sky, that’s when it stopped. I find it awfully coincidental. As this eerie event happened, a shooting star came by moments later to brighten the mood.


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